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  • Cotton season kicks off with high hopes for bumper crop

    Farmers in Central Queensland have planted the first seeds for the 2024-25 cotton season - brands can expect this cotton will likely be available in global markets from as early as March next year. With positive growing conditions expected, it's estimated around 3.8 million bales will be produced this season.

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  • Cotton Australia Joins Seamless

    Cotton Australia is proud to become a member of Seamless, Australia’s first product clothing stewardship scheme. By joining the initiative, Cotton Australia is committing to be part of the solution to reduce textile waste and promote a circular economy for fashion in Australia, starting on the farm.

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  • Cotton Conference Unites Industry, Supply Chain for the Future

    It’s the pinnacle of cotton events - a conference where the entire industry converges to discuss the future of Australian cotton. This year, brands and customers were front and centre at helping drive positive change and impact for the future.

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  • How to use cotton fabric technologies

    An enormous amount of research and development investment has been made in finding new ways with cotton

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  • How is Australian Cotton Bought and Sold?

    Cotton is an agricultural commodity that's traded on the world market and the vast majority of Australian cotton is exported as raw cotton bales to spinning mills.

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Cotton Australia has formed a number of authentic partnerships with retailers, brands, manufacturers and supply chain partners who share the industry's values. If your organisation believes in reducing environmental footprint, the fair and safe treatment of workers, quality product and supply chain traceability - then we may be in business.

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