A number of organisations work within the Australian cotton industry. Here are four organisations that relate most directly to the industry's relationship with the textile supply chain.
Cotton Australia is the peak body for Australia’s cotton growers, a not-for-profit organisation funded by a voluntary levy on every bale of cotton produced. Cotton Australia's Cotton to Market Program seeks to position Australian cotton in the world textile market, assist brands and retailers to source cotton from Australia and raise the profile of Australian cotton globally with a range of stakeholders. Cotton Australia is also responsible for working with farmers to implement the myBMP on-farm sustainability program.

ACSA members are the independent merchants that buy and sell Australian cotton bales into the world market. The primary aim of the organisation is to generically promote Australian cotton in the global marketplace, to act as a conjunct between spinners and the Australian cotton industry and to preserve the sanctity of contracts and the integrity of the Australian cotton trading industry.

CRDC exists to grow the sustainable future of cotton through innovation with impact. CRDC delivers world-class research, development and extension (RD&E) outcomes for the cotton industry through thought leadership, innovation, adoption and collaboration. Cotton growers are at the heart of CRDC’s work: they determine the RD&E priorities and co-fund research through a grower levy, matched by Commonwealth contributions. CRDC’s investments are governed by the Strategic RD&E Plan 2023–28: Clever Cotton.

CottonInfo is an initiative of industry partners CRDC, Cotton Australia, and Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd designed to connect cotton growers and consultants with research. The CottonInfo team – made up of Regional Extension Officers, Technical Leads and myBMP Managers – takes the research and development invested in by CRDC and turns it into practical information and knowledge that’s designed to Help You Grow: grow cotton, grow knowledge, and grow industry connections.
Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd (CSD) has been pivotal in the Australian cotton industry since 1967, providing high-quality cotton planting seed and advanced biotechnology traits. In partnership with CSIRO, CSD develops top-performing cotton varieties tailored to local growing conditions. Additionally, CSD conducts extensive trials and offers comprehensive agronomy support through its Extension and Development team and the CottonInfo joint venture. These efforts ensure continuous innovation and success for Australian cotton growers.