My BMP farm

Australia’s myBMP Farms Produce Sustainable, Ethical Fibre

myBMP (Best Management Practices) is the Australian cotton industry’s cotton certification program. The program provides a framework and the practical tools required to continually improve environmental performance on Australia's cotton farms. It's a voluntary environmental management system widely recognised as one of the most robust in the world.

To achieve full certification Australia's cotton growers must meet over 300 best practice criteria covering all aspects of cotton production across 10 areas of the farm including soil health, worker health and safety, biodiversity, water and pest management. More than 30% of the Australian cotton crop is fully certified under the myBMP program.

myBMP ensures that the Australian cotton industry produces economically, socially and environmentally sustainable cotton by providing:

  • A central access point to the industry’s best practice criteria across three levels of continuous improvement
  • Technical and practical support for making changes on farm through an industry-funded regional extension team
  • An on-line self-assessment that helps growers identify the best practice criteria they meet, and where improvement is needed
  • Links to world leading cotton research and development information to support growers to change
  • Practical tools and resources
  • Independent auditing

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Cotton Australia has formed a number of authentic partnerships with retailers, brands, manufacturers and supply chain partners who share the industry's values. If your organisation believes in reducing environmental footprint, the fair and safe treatment of workers, quality product and supply chain traceability - then we may be in business.

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