Better Cotton exists to make global cotton production better for the people who produce it, better for the environment it grows in and better for the sector’s future, by developing Better Cotton as a sustainable mainstream commodity. By 2030, Better Cotton aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions per tonne of Better Cotton produced by 50%.
Cotton Australia is an active member of Better Cotton and many Australian cotton growers are participating at farm level through their involvement with myBMP (the Australian cotton industry's Best Management Practices program). In 2020-2021, about 24% of the Australian cotton crop was produced as Better Cotton, available for procurement on the world market.
Membership of Better Cotton is encouraged from all interested stakeholders in the cotton supply chain, with varying associated fees and benefits for each of the five membership categories: civil society, producer organisation, suppliers and manufacturers, brands and retailers and associate.
To find out more about becoming a Better Cotton member, please click here.