CA's Roles
Cotton Australia is the peak body for Australia’s cotton growers, representing up to 1,500 cotton farms mainly in New South Wales and Queensland, but also in northern Victoria, and in the Northern Territory and Western Australia. Cotton Australia works with growers and stakeholders to ensure the Australian cotton industry remains viable, valued and advanced.
Cotton Australia supports the Australian cotton industry to be world-competitive, sustainable and valued by the community. It drives the industry’s strategic direction, retains a strong focus on research and development, promotes the strengths of the industry, reports its environmental credentials and implements policy objectives.
Cotton Australia services growers through policy and advocacy, facilitating the myBMP (best management practices) program, provides grower feedback to CRDC, participates on advisory panels ,and promotes the industry through education.
The role of Cotton to Market
Cotton Australia’s Cotton to Market program helps facilitate the demand for Australian cotton, and assists brands and retailers source Australian cotton into their supply chains and promoting our farmers’ high quality, sustainable, natural fibre.
The Cotton to Market program started in 2013, and during this time the demand for Australian cotton has continued to grow. The Cotton to Market team connects brands and retailers with Australian cotton throughout the supply chain, assists with communications and marketing strategies as well as developing and facilitating industry projects.
Our Strategic Plan
Cotton Australia's vision is that in 2028, the Australian Cotton Industry will be thriving, trusted and in demand, with a strong reputation for reliability and quality. Growers and their industry partners will have confidence to continue investing for future returns, while meeting global sustainability standards for every bale of cotton produced.
To deliver on our purpose and satisfy this vision, we will focus on five key pillars: Advocacy, Leadership, Trust, Governance and Sustainability.