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  • Brand Spotlight: Typo takes a piece of Australia to global customers

    Typo, the fun-loving lifestyle brand, has incorporated Australian cotton into its product range. With a commitment to sourcing cotton that’s produced environmentally and sustainably, introducing Australian cotton was a natural choice for the Typo team.

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  • Cotton farm dam becomes a haven for native wildlife

    On "Quingilli" cotton farm in Central Queensland, a dam initially built for irrigation has become a sanctuary for wildlife including native black swans. Farmer Bradley Anderson never imagined the dam would become a haven for swans to raise their offspring, along with a range of endangered and vulnerable birdlife.

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    Australia’s cotton farmlands are home to 138 threatened plant and animal species, with cotton industry funded research identifying and mapping areas for further biodiversity enhancements required throughout cotton growing regions, in line with the PLANET. PEOPLE. PADDOCK. Sustainability Framework.

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  • How to use cotton fabric technologies

    An enormous amount of research and development investment has been made in finding new ways with cotton

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  • How is Australian Cotton Bought and Sold?

    Cotton is an agricultural commodity that's traded on the world market and the vast majority of Australian cotton is exported as raw cotton bales to spinning mills.

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Cotton Australia has formed a number of authentic partnerships with retailers, brands, manufacturers and supply chain partners who share the industry's values. If your organisation believes in reducing environmental footprint, the fair and safe treatment of workers, quality product and supply chain traceability - then we may be in business.

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