After 10 years and thousands of conversations with brands and retailers, we are at a pivotal time with an opportunity to better align the Australian cotton industry with our customers, to set us up for the next 10 to 20 years.
Although we sell every kilogram of Australia’s sustainably grown cotton through export markets, it’s the invaluable feedback from the supply chain that will help shape our industry moving forward.
By listening to you, we understand that traceability and transparency in the supply chain are a must, along with sourcing sustainable raw materials that are certified by reputable programs such as Cotton Australia’s myBMP (Best Management Practices).
We are developing a Strategic Roadmap that will provide a clear pathway for the Australian cotton industry's future around the key strategic issues important to us, and our customers.
Cotton Australia’s Cotton to Market program is about driving demand for Australian cotton, helping brands and retailers source our cotton into their supply chains and promoting our farmers’ high quality, sustainable, natural fibre.
Since Cotton to Market’s inception in 2013, the team has grown from one employee to four – thanks to support from the Australian Government's ATMAC Program, who are helping us promote our cotton to new and emerging markets.
This expansion has allowed Cotton Australia to better service the needs of brands and retailers and deepen existing relationships as well as build new ones. In the team we now have:
Brooke Summers - Cotton to Market Lead (that's me!)
Ashley Hollis - Brand Relationships Manager ([email protected])
Ali Kuchel - Content & Communications ([email protected])
Rob Cairns - Export Marketing Consultant in consultation with the Australian Cotton Shippers Association ([email protected])
We have about 30 active brand partners who are all in various stages of the Australian cotton journey, and on average, we receive one to two enquiries daily about our sustainable cotton fibre.
The demand for Australian cotton is continuing to grow and it's a really exciting time.
Our industry partners such as the Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CRDC) are investing in circularity research, due in part to our engagement with brands, retailers and the supply chain to understand the issues important to you and your customers. We now have brands providing feedback on our sustainability work and targets, and the more open communication we have, the better we can align our work with yours.
Thank you to all the brands that have taken the time to learn, share and support the Australian cotton industry, our communities, our farmers and our beautiful, natural fibre.