Australian cotton farmers are forecast to produce between 4 to 4.5 million bales for the 2023-24 growing season, despite predicted drier than normal conditions.

The prediction follows an exceptional 2022-23 growing season for the Australian cotton industry.

The 2023 Australian cotton crop, which is currently being shipped, is one of the highest quality crops ever produced by Australian cotton farmers.

Classing data reported via the Australian Cotton Shippers Association has shown the crop across the board to be superior quality, for example:

  • 79% classed as strict middling or above
  • 90% in the G5 range for micronaire
  • More than 35% is in the highest length range, 39-40 staple

ACSA Director Arthur Spellson said during a recent export market development trip in Turkey that “spinners will be very pleased surprised with the excellent quality of the Australian cotton crop this year.”

“It’s one of the best crops we’ve ever grown in terms of grade(colour and leaf), and we believe this will reinforce with our customers that Australian cotton quality is consistently superior to other countries,” Arthur said.

The 2023-24 season crop is shaping up well, despite a dry weather outlook for most of the growing regions.

The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARES) latest outlook for natural fibres production predicts 2023-24 cotton production to drop 8% from the 2022-23 season.

Cotton production has commenced across most of the regions as growers plant this season’s crop, however, In the Northern Territory and Western Australia, farmers who are preparing their soil won’t plant until December when the monsoonal rain is expected to commence.

Despite a hot and dry forecast, the majority of cotton growers are optimistic about the season ahead, but the same Christmas wish is at the top of all growers' lists, decent rainfall.


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