AC Circularity

Australia’s first National Product Stewardship Scheme for Clothing will meet this week with the goal to develop a pathway to transform how clothing is made and recirculated.

Cotton Australia was invited to participate in the consortium’s reference group, which is led by the Australian Fashion Council.

The scheme aims to create clothing circularity by 2030 in Australia and will achieve this through the waste hierarchy’s R-strategies, in not just reducing waste, but accelerating reuse, repair, refurbishment, remanufacture, repurpose, recycle and recover.

The scheme will bring together clothing “stewards” and “recirculatory” representatives to find the highest value and best use for clothing across the entire chain.

Cotton Australia’s Cotton to Market Supply Chain Consultant Brooke Summers said she was looking forward to working with everyone involved on a topical issue.

"Cotton Australia appreciates the opportunity to put forward the voice of cotton and natural fibres as part of this discussion. We know that biodegradable, renewable raw materials are an important part of a circular future for textiles, and it's great to be working with like minded organisations to develop the scheme," she said.


Cotton Australia has formed a number of authentic partnerships with retailers, brands, manufacturers and supply chain partners who share the industry's values. If your organisation believes in reducing environmental footprint, the fair and safe treatment of workers, quality product and supply chain traceability - then we may be in business.

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