PHOTO: Australian cotton farmers David and Liza Balmain, wearing Trenery Australian cotton items in their paddock.

Making the transition to Australian cotton has not compromised quality, longevity and durability for fashion brand Trenery - in fact, it became even more popular with customers, and staff.

The decision to add Australian cotton into Trenery’s fibre portfolio evolved from wanting to have a connection to the cotton community, and to give customers a sense that they too could support farmers.

Not only are Australian cotton garments an opportunity to wear locally grown cotton, but it provides customers with a sense of connection.

“We have been absolutely thrilled by the response to our use of Australian cotton,” Trenery General Manager Melanie Remai said.

“The feedback has been encouraging, with customers particularly loving the soft feel and weight of the fabric.

“They’re finding these pieces are easy to care for and effortless to incorporate into their wardrobes, without compromising on style or comfort.”

Trenery made positive steps towards incorporating responsibly grown Australian cotton in 2021, with the introduction of the Australian Cotton Blend Logo Sweat.

The addition of Australian Cotton puts Trenery on track to meeting its goal of sourcing 100% of its cotton as ‘more responsible cotton’ by 2025. This includes Better Cotton, organically grown cotton, recycled cotton and Australian cotton.

Today, there is a diverse range of Australian cotton garments for women including several key staple pieces from t-shirts to denim jeans, jackets and skirts. For men, there’s the textured Milano Crew Knit.

The Trenery team has worked closely with Cotton Australia, and with paperwork and documentation required to verify up and down the supply chain, there has been support and guidance throughout the entire process.

Cotton Australia’s Cotton to Market Lead Brooke Summers praised the Trenery team for their commitment to Australian cotton and the verification process.

“Our farmers are committed to producing sustainably grown cotton, which is what many of our brand partners are looking to source,” Brooke said.

“We are thrilled to have Trenery as a brand partner, and look forward to seeing more of their Australian cotton garments available in store and online.”


Cotton Australia has formed a number of authentic partnerships with retailers, brands, manufacturers and supply chain partners who share the industry's values. If your organisation believes in reducing environmental footprint, the fair and safe treatment of workers, quality product and supply chain traceability - then we may be in business.

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