Cotton growers – through Cotton Australia’s Cotton to Market program and the Australian Cotton Shippers Association (ACSA) - have been represented in key supply chain meetings in Indonesia.
Export Marketing Consultant Rob Cairns travelled to Indonesia recently for the first in-market visits funded by the Federal government’s ATMAC program.
Joined by ACSA Directors Matthew Bradd and Michael O’Rielley, the group had a mix of one-on-one, mill visits and an industry seminar which attracted 60 people including Indonesian agents - the big buyers of Australian cotton - and supply chain partners.
One of the biggest hits from the post-seminar networking and afternoon tea session was the Cotton Australia Virtual Reality goggles which take people onto a cotton farm. The same VR goggles have been a great success for engagement at both the Sydney Royal Easter Show and The Ekka in Brisbane.
Indonesia is Australia’s 13th biggest export trading partner and is a highly important market for Australian cotton. The feedback from stakeholders was that Australian cotton is well appreciated for its superior quality, sustainable growing practices and consistently high quality, contamination free fibre.
Indonesian consumption is around 2.4 million bales with many expecting that to increase to 3 million soon, and while the country also trades significantly with Brazil and the US, two of the largest spinning mills, both important clients for Australian cotton exports, have expanded their capacity recently.
In the next six months ACSA will work to create increased demand for Australian cotton through in-market visits to Vietnam, Thailand, India, Bangladesh and Turkey as well as a range of communication activities with brands and supply chain partners.
The Australian delegation met with DFAT and Austrade staff at the Australian embassy in Jakarta with all contacts indicating they were ready to assist in any way they can.