The Australian cotton industry was highlighted on the global stage last week, with several industry representatives speaking at the Better Cotton Conference in Sweden.
The conference brought together more than 450 brands and industry experts to explore topics across the value chain, including climate action, soil health and regenerative agriculture.
Cotton Australia’s chairman Nigel Burnett and Cotton to Market Lead Brooke Summers covered multiple topics at the conference, including ecosystem service payments, how the industry is working with brands to fund biodiversity and how farmers are responding to climate change.
Nigel and Brooke were joined by University of New England and CRDC supported soil scientist Dr Oliver Knox, who spoke about the Goondiwindi Circular Cotton project.
Brooke said the opportunity to showcase the Australian cotton industry on a global stage was timely after a few years of lockdowns due to Covid.
“These events bring together the decision makers for sustainable cotton within brands and retailers, not for profit organisations and other influencers,” Brooke said.
"With the Product Environmental Footprint regulations coming in the EU, the growing need for impact data and a very strong focus on climate change, it was great to have the opportunity to meet industry peers and other farmers face to face to discuss these important matters that will impact our industry.
"There were a number of strong themes emerging around transparency and traceability, ensuring living incomes for farmers and continuing to drive demand for sustainable cotton with the brand and retail members of Better Cotton.”
Better Cotton is anticipated to generate around an additional $7 million in premiums for Australian growers this season.
The event was a valuable opportunity for Cotton Australia to demonstrate the innovation and advances of our industry to an international audience including leading brands and retailers.