Australia has become the number one cotton fibre exporter into Indonesia cementing its status as the cotton fibre of choice.

During an in-market visit to Indonesia this month, Cotton Australia and Australian Cotton Shippers Association representatives took the opportunity to build deeper relationships with spinners, mills and the wider textile industry, highlighting Australian cotton as the fibre of choice.

ACSA Supply Chain Consultant Rob Cairns said Indonesia was a highly valued, increasingly important market for Australian cotton.

“In 2012/13, Australian cotton was ranked fifth for cotton imports into Indonesia. But at present, Australia is number one because of its quality and geographical location,” Rob said.

“Spinners and mills continuously tell us they admire the superior quality and sustainable growing practices of Australian cotton, making us their preferred choice.

“Our close proximity also means Indonesia can import cotton from Australia within 14-28 days – a much quicker turn around than our counterparts in the northern hemisphere.”

Rob said Indonesia imported 12% of Australia’s 2021-22 cotton crop, with Vietnam importing 43% and India 9%.

“The in-market visits, our sustainable growing practices and quality of cotton is very important on the global scale because we are taking the market share from the United States and Brazil – and that’s something Australian cotton growers should be really proud of,” Rob said.

Cotton Australia’s Cotton to Market Brand Relations Manager Ashley Hollis joined the tour and had the opportunity to speak with international fashion and textile representatives during the visit.

“It was a wonderful opportunity to visit Indonesia and represent Cotton Australia and our growers. As a brand advocate, I was able to speak with mills directly about what brands and retailers are wanting and needing for their consumers,” Ashley said.

“Consumers are wanting a homegrown and high quality product and consumers are excited about our cotton and developing an understanding about the sustainability credentials it holds within the industry.

During the visit, CA and ACSA representatives visited Indorama, the third largest spinning mill in Indonesia.

Rob said Australian cotton was an important part of Indorama’s business, and due to the large volumes the business was able to support an on-site school.

“We were fortunate to visit the school and the children at Indorama. The children would otherwise travel up to 40km to the nearest school,” Rob said.

The in-market visits were made possible by ATMAC funding.

The next in-market visits will include India and Bangladesh in May, followed by Vietnam in June.


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